Email Verifications for Your Apps
Ensure accurate and authentic user emails in your app – no more typos or fake email addresses.
How does it work?
Choose from our available domains to help users easily identify your intent. The inbox can only receive the user's emails and is short-lived.
How strict should we be when verifying the authenticity of incoming email? Useful for preventing fake emails.
Key Advantages
Verification of Active Email Addresses
Users are required to use an active and accessible email account to send the verification email. This ensures that the email address provided is functional and frequently monitored by the user.
Reduced Risk of Typos
By requiring users to send an email, the risk of typographical errors in the email address is eliminated.
Lower Bounce Rates
Reduces the likelihood of emails bouncing due to invalid addresses when sending notifications from your application, ensuring higher deliverability.
Enhanced Security
Users are often more cautious about sending emails than clicking on links in received emails. This reduces the risk of phishing attacks, where malicious actors might impersonate the application.
Prevention of Fake Account Creation
This system significantly reduces the creation of fake accounts using temporary or disposable email addresses.
Simplified Compliance
In regions with strict regulations regarding unsolicited emails, having users initiate the email can potentially simplify compliance, helping the application adhere more easily to legal requirements.
Improved User Engagement
This method encourages users to be more actively involved in the verification process, which can increase engagement and ensure that the provided email address is indeed in use and regularly checked.
Real-Time Verification
Provides instant verification feedback to users, improving the onboarding process and enhancing the overall user experience.
Cost Efficiency
Reduces costs associated with handling invalid email addresses and dealing with fake accounts, making the verification process more cost-effective.